Friday, January 8, 2016

New year, same old me and lots of flesh eating beetles!

New year, new things to do and enjoy also I've started a new DIY manual. More that as time goes on.  The first one proved I can do it. Next one will just be frosting on the cake.

Sooo, This past year my bug world has produced a number of nice skulls most waiting for my attention.  They all need to be degreased and then I will decide what to do with them.

The artist in me is already seeing carved or painted skulls.

I also wished I had kept some flat bones and long bones from the rode kill deer we got this last summer. They would have made great beads or flat pieces to paint or carve.

If one takes up a hobby like this you need lots of another freezer for the over flow. Because we fixed that problem I can continue looking for those great dead things to reduce to their simplest form.

More on the bugs, my plans for 2016 later.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. With my Christmas money this year I was able to buy your book, thank you for sharing your wisdom with the world.

  3. Thank you for buying the book and I certainly hope you find it useful.I wish there had been better info when I first got my bugs.
    After reading it if you feel it is helpful and answers your questions I would really appreciate an evaluation on Amazon. That is onnly if it is valuable! Thanks for the comment.
