Friday, November 6, 2015


Last week Information about how mites gain access to a colony was discussed.
 There is one point that needs to be clarified.
 There is one way mites might actually introduce themselves into a colony,

I shudder to consider the situation ever happening to me......If mites were introduced into a work area from an infested skull, or other specimen and that area was not routinely cleaned, mites could be transferred into any work area or even into the home. From there they could hitch a ride and potentially gain access to the bugs, or dog food or any other area that might provide food.

They would not be drawn to the beetle food but they are capable of exploring their area and accidentally entering the colony would be possible. This situation is similar to an infestation that occurred several years ago in one of the major institutions which shall remain nameless in this blog.

Do you see why I would never admit to having mites 'find' my dermestarium? I would be saying I don't have a clue about these critters and assume they have abilities they do not have...and we all know about assuming something!

If you are interested on learning more about mites the new book is also sold at my Createspace store
as well as at