Friday, January 22, 2016

Beetles, Bones and art

Beetles, skulls and bones - Art and Jewelry? YES!!

Most of my posts have been about beetles and taxidermy but beetles doesn't have to be about euro style mounts.

Dermestids can be about cleaning bones and skulls to make jewlery and art.

I'm not talking about clunky, grotesque things but beautiful pieces that look like carved ivory. 

Bones can be carved into bold bracelets and necklaces or into small delicate charms.
 Full skulls can be painted or etched to become artwork that is absolutely stunning.  Please visit Etsey or check out Pinterest page Dermestid Beetles - To bare bones. I have been finding items and ideas that appeal to the artist in me and I think many others would love them. 

Having a small colony of dermestids would allow a budding bone artist to clean their own bones or skulls. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

New year, same old me and lots of flesh eating beetles!

New year, new things to do and enjoy also I've started a new DIY manual. More that as time goes on.  The first one proved I can do it. Next one will just be frosting on the cake.

Sooo, This past year my bug world has produced a number of nice skulls most waiting for my attention.  They all need to be degreased and then I will decide what to do with them.

The artist in me is already seeing carved or painted skulls.

I also wished I had kept some flat bones and long bones from the rode kill deer we got this last summer. They would have made great beads or flat pieces to paint or carve.

If one takes up a hobby like this you need lots of another freezer for the over flow. Because we fixed that problem I can continue looking for those great dead things to reduce to their simplest form.

More on the bugs, my plans for 2016 later.

Friday, January 1, 2016


Humidity and its affect on a beetle colony

The atmosphere moisture within a dermestid colony can present health issues for the clean up crew. First off the bugs do very well in high humidity ranges but if there is not enough air moving through out the container, problems such as mold establishing itself in the substrate is possible  When I say air movement I am not talking bathroom fan creating a miniature wind storm drying eggs, small larvae as well as any head to be cleaned. 

Ventilation of a dermestid colony is simple,  enough air to control humidity and odors and no more.   

Most have no idea how to figure out how to accomplish the simple so if a little is good then a whole lot more must be great.  Not....

The dermestid beetle book spells out how to provide just the right air movement.
